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Checkpoint Cymru

Check Point Cymru logo

Based on the premise of out of court disposals and our offender management principles, Checkpoint Cymru aims to provide a credible alternative to prosecution, by identifying and supporting relevant needs and the ‘critical pathways’ out of crime, with the result being that low and medium adult offenders are diverted away from the Criminal Justice System, whilst also addressing the underlying causes of their offending behaviour.

Checkpoint contract

Checkpoint is a voluntary adult offender programme which provides a bespoke and individually tailored contract to meet each individual’s needs. Checkpoint uses specialist Navigators who co-ordinate these individually tailored contracts to support offenders to engage with services to tackle the underlying causes of their offending. The purpose of the contract is to ensure that each individual complies and completes the programme. Should an individual fail to complete the programme, formal court proceedings will be invoked.

How it works…

Once the offender has been interviewed, and the investigative officer process finished, they are released and given an appointment with a person we are calling a “Navigator”.

The offender meets with the navigator to discuss their needs and agree a contract, which lasts for four months. The contract is tailored to each person and can have up to five conditions.

There are guidelines for who is eligible for the Checkpoint programme:

  1. The offender must be over 18
  2. The offender must live in North Wales
  3. The offence must have taken place within North Wales
  4. The offence must be suitable for an out of court disposal
  5. The offender must not be subject to a court order or be on police/court bail
  6. There must be an admission of guilt or sufficient evidence to charge
  7. The subject must agree to participate.