In partnership with the VAWDASV Board and the Ministry of Justice, the Police and Crime Commissioner provides funding to a number of services across North Wales. Click below to read more about our Commissioned Services and the good work they do within our community to support victims of crime and support offenders to reduce re-offending
Victim Help Centre
The North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner has provided funding to support the Victim Help Centre. The Centre is a one-stop-shop for victims across the whole of North Wales and is based at divisional police HQ in St Asaph. It brings together the support services of North Wales Police, the Witness Care Unit of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Since the centre opened in 2015 it has supported over 190,000 victims of all sorts of crimes. Each victim receives a response specifically tailored to their situation and the centre employs specialists in mental health, hate crime, fraud, serious and organised crime and modern day slavery. In addition to specialised caseworkers the Victim Help Centre employs Victim Help Officers who make initial contact with the victim along with a number of volunteers to support victims across north Wales.
The Victim Help Service is available from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. It can be contacted by Freephone on 0300 3030159, by email at:
Funded by the Welsh government, the below report focuses on conversations with young people about hate crime. It provides valuable information about the knowledge and awareness of hate crime and hate incidents and of support provision among CYP in Wales. A high percentage of the participants had been victims of hate crime and hate incidents, and these incidents had had a profound and detrimental effect on their lives. The research also explores the CYP’s perspectives on and experiences of the current support provision, and provides recommendations on how to improve the engagement of, and support for, CYP affected by hate crime in Wales.
Checkpoint Cymru

In December 2019, the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner launched the first diversion scheme of its kind in Wales. Checkpoint Cymru was developed by the Cambridge University and pioneered in Durham in 2015. It is a voluntary programme that tackles underlying causes of offending behaviour such as mental health and substance misuse. It aims to provide a credible alternative to prosecution, by identifying and supporting relevant needs and the ‘critical pathways’ out of crime, with the result being that low and medium adult offenders are diverted away from the Criminal Justice System. In addition to supporting people around their underlying needs, Checkpoint has also trained its team to deliver a comprehensive ACEs Recovery Toolkit course.
Checkpoint Cymru is a multi-agency project which improves awareness of, and access to, health-based services for all persons presenting at police Custody. The successful delivery of Checkpoint relies on an approach involving a wide range of local partners, which allows strategic level coordination and access to referral services.
Specific focus is given to women through the women’s ‘Pathfinder’ service, within Checkpoint Cymru.
Women who commit crime often have multiple and complex needs and are typically some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society. Short custodial sentences often do not deliver the best results for women, e.g. approx. 70% of women sentenced to short term custody (under 12 months) reoffended within a year.
Women can often be more successfully supported in the community, where reoffending outcomes tend to be better and there is opportunity to address the root causes of offending, whilst minimising disruption to family ties.
Checkpoint Cymru works with women to provide increased access to services to address the underlying causes of their offending and problems associated with victimisation and abuse.
Dechrau Newydd

During 2019 the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner along with HMPPS had tendered for a new Drug Intervention Programme contract and Kaleidoscope were the successful service who was awarded the work. . The service aim is to engage substance using offenders and support them to reduce offending, improve health and social functioning, engage with multi agency support and make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Custody suites, courts, probation offices and prisons offer key opportunities to identify, inform and engage substance using offenders. These can be challenging environments to deliver treatment services within, especially when engaging with individuals who may be particularly anxious, mistrustful and vulnerable. The overarching aim of the service is to provide seamless integrated support to drug and alcohol using offenders.
This is to be achieved through the delivery of a service which encompasses the provision of:
- Provision of drug testing, tailored therapeutic and wraparound support packages and information provision as appropriate for the delivery of Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (DRR) and Alcohol Treatment (ATR) orders
- Tailored holistic support for those identified as voluntary service users
- Appropriate tailored support to meet the requirements of Conditional Cautions (Drugs).
This work is part of the PCCs integrated approach to supporting clients through a variety of referral pathways such as Checkpoint Cymru and the Women’s Pathfinder together with health partners.
The Rape and Sexual Support Centre (RASASC), provides information, specialist support and therapy to anyone aged 3 and over who has experienced any kind of sexual abuse or violence. RASASC will support individuals whether it has been in recently or in the past and also provide support and therapy to partners or family members of those who have been affected by sexual abuse and violence. RASASC are a non –judgemental, confidential and free or charge and are based across 6 counties of North Wales including their head office in Bangor. RASASC is an independent charity but works closely alongside other agencies both statutory and voluntary as their aim is to help individuals find the most suitable support for their particular needs
RASASC can be contacted via telephone 01248 670628 or via email

Through the support of the North Wales PCC since 2014 and more recently the North Wales VAWDASV Board the Independent Sexual Violence Advocate (ISVA) /Children & Young People Sexual Violence Advocate (CYPSVA) service has developed and provides support to adult and child victims of sexual violence, and their families and significant others. The service has established pathways for inter-referral with many agencies and works consistently to provide effective services to individuals and their families, ensuring to avoid duplication with other agencies such as Mental Health, CAMHS, School Nurses, Safeguarding, POVA, Paediatricians and Domestic Abuse services. There are good working relationships with the Police Teams, CPS, Enhanced Witness Service and Witness Care.
The ISVA/CYPSVA Service works collaboratively with Third Sector Agencies, Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (North Wales), Stepping Stones and other agencies.
The project aims to maintain the provision of an enhanced Independent Sexual Violence Advocate Service for adults and children and young people in North Wales that are victims of sexual offenses.
The SARC have recently been recognised nationally and won a number of awards for their Sharing Stories Film and Podcast Project.
Youth Offending Teams
Conwy & Denbighshire

The Conwy and Denbighshire Youth Offending Team provide substance misuse assessments and treatment for young people through all pathways and referrals routes.
The Project Worker approaches the interventions that are delivered in a broad and holistic manner, tailoring the intervention in a child first approach and adapts the educative sessions to cognitive ability. The assessments are thorough and are undertaken with the young person in a co-productive way where issues over and above their substance misuse are considered.
The project worker focusses heavily on the outcome of improved physical and mental health as this underpins young people’s ability, confidence and self-motivation to bring about positive changes in their lives. This supports the future generations Wales Act, the Government's mental health strategy, Together for Mental Health and also supports Conwy's corporate 6 objectives in respect of wellbeing and promoting and supporting better outcomes
The work of the substance misuse officer touches on all four priorities including:
- Prevent further crime substance misuse related and non-related
- Deliver an effective response to children and young people with a specific needs
- Reduce harm and risk to others via having fewer crimes committed (less victims) and less young people being under the influence of dangerous substance and coming to harm.
- Build effective partnerships with the third sector, the delivery agent, North Wales Police and Health to deliver a seamless service.
Youth Offending Teams - Gwynedd & Mon

Gwynedd and Mon youth offending teams have 2 projects running in parallel.
The first project focuses on prevention in order to reduce the number of First-Time entrants to the Youth Justice System and to increase the number of victims involved in diversionary processes. The project also ensures high quality needs led intervention activities for children and young people and have developed the ‘Bureau’ process, which seeks to offer a restorative and victim led intervention as an alternative to formal police sanction.
The project aims to:
- Continue to reduce the number of children and young people entering the youth justice system.
- Develop and enhance the existing ‘Rural Bureau’ process to meet the needs of services and families in North West Wales
- Increase the number and percentage of victims involved with restorative justice processes ensuring their voice is heard in all support and interventions.
- Continue to increase the number and quality of Diversionary projects in our high risk areas.
- Reduce reported Crime committed by children and young people.
The second project ensures timely and high quality assessment of Substance Misuse for children at risk of entering or who are in the youth justice system. This will minimise the number of victims of crime related to substance misuse and ensure general health interventions that support, healthy living, positive relationships and participation in constructive leisure activities.
The commissioner’s fund supports the Services’ objective of improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people known to the YJS, by ensuring thorough health assessment of needs and improved access to interventions and support. This also reduces the likelihood of offending and re-offending.
The project aims to:
- Reduce the number of children and young people in the youth justice systems that are affected by substance misuse issues.
- Improve and develop the types of assessment and interventions delivered to children and young people in the system who are affected by substance misuse issues.
- Reduce the reoffending rates of children and young people who are affected by substance misuse and other negative health matters.
Youth Offending Teams - Wrexham

The project aims to engage with young people prior to any offending behaviours developing and to inform them of the consequences of anti-social behaviour, involvement and actions of crime. The aim is to prevent young people from entering the Criminal Justice System (First Time Entrants) and to ensure that, by preventing criminality, community cohesion is upheld by reducing anti-social behaviour and raising awareness of ASB and Crime and its wider consequences.
The project aims to achieve this by working with secondary, youth support services, play development and third sector organisations across Wrexham, to provide basic intervention programmes that address occurrences and impact of anti-social behaviour.
The project also delivers a range of workshops to Year 8 pupils and targeted, smaller groups in other school years in all secondary schools in the Wrexham area, to raise awareness of the consequences of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour and crime. Workshops will aim to raise awareness of current concerns, including CCE, on-line grooming, and organised crime. This will be supported by continued professional development and up-skilling of staff as we identify suitable resource, materials and interventions for delivery to children and young people of school age.
The interventions are provided across the county and therefore will impact on all communities in a positive way. YJS data shows that the average age at which young people enter the YJS is 15 years. By delivering to Year 8 groups, the project continues to strive to prevent escalation of offending and anti-social behaviour at the earliest opportunity.
Youth Offending Teams - Flintshire

The Flintshire Youth Offending Team coordinates through its multi-agency partnership a response to young people displaying anti-social behaviour or who are at risk of engaging in offending behaviours through the workings of a multi-agency Prevent and Deter Panel and the Bureau Panel. The young people referred to the Youth Justice Service are regularly evidencing significant adversity including drug and alcohol misuse, emotional well-being and mental health vulnerabilities and behaviours/attitudes that contribute to patterns of community, social and school exclusion.
North Wales Police refer young people to the Bureau Panel, who meet to discuss each case. The Bureau Panel comprises the Youth Justice Service senior practitioner, a Police Officer and a lay person, and an assessment is completed by the YJS Prevention Worker.
The agencies represented and referring identified young people to Prevent and Deter Panel include North Wales Police, Housing, Social Services for Children, Youth Services, SORTED (Flintshire’s Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service) CAMHs, Education, parents, and the Flintshire Youth Justice Service (siblings of cases currently known to the YJS).
The aims of the project therefore are to reduce the number of young people becoming first time entrants to the criminal justice system, to voluntarily engage young people in meaningful interventions to address the causes of antisocial behaviour, and to signpost young people to other services and agencies to support them in leading a crime free adolescence.
Regional IDVA Service North Wales
In response to the Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Act (Wales) 2015, the Regional VAWDASV Strategic Board and Joint Commissioning Subgroup have Commissioned a Regional IDVA Service across North Wales to achieve the consistent and effective delivery of frontline services to high risk and repeat victims of domestic abuse.
The North Wales Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) Strategic Board, together with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales and Supporting People has commissioned DASU to deliver this provision across the 6 local authorities.
IDVAs work to address the safety of all people at high risk of domestic violence and abuse from intimate partners, ex-partners and family members to secure their safety and the safety of their children. The service works with men and women. Operating as the primary point of contact, IDVAs typically work with their clients from the point of crisis to assess the risk, review options, and develop and implement plans to address their immediate safety, as well as longer-term solutions. These plans will include actions from the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) as well as sanctions and remedies available through the criminal and civil courts, housing options and services available through other organisations.
Domestic Abuse Safety Unit North Wales

The Domestic Abuse Safety Unit provides a range of confidential quality services that value and respect survivors of Domestic Abuse.
More recently the VAWDASV Board and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has provided funding in order to support additional activities in refuges. DASU manage several refuges for woman across 4 counties in North Wales. DASU also have a two bedroomed refuge for men who need safe accommodation. Refuge accommodation is a short term measure until it is safe to return home, however it may be longer term should families and individuals choose to stay and rebuild their lives.
DASU can be contacted via the below telephone numbers or via their website
- Flintshire: 01244 830436
- Denbigh: 01745 814494
- Colwyn: 01492 534705
- Wrexham: 01978 310203
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones is a registered charity providing therapeutic services across north Wales to adults who have been sexually abused as children. They have registered British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) counsellors working across the six counties of north Wales providing support at a preferred location together with choice of language and gender of counsellor. Stepping Stones have recently received further funding this year to support an additional Children and Young People Independent Sexual Violence Advocate. Together with support towards a collaborative project in partnership with RASASC which will provide an ISVA to support clients who are in the process of attending court who do not currently get any help as well as generic advocacy support.
Find out more on Stepping Stones here.
Get Safe Online Ltd
Get Safe Online is one of the UK’s leading sources of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information to ensure online safety. During 2015 Get Safe Online launched the Police Cyber Programme in response to pressing need by forces for clear, expert, unbiased, practical advice to support the PROTECT strategy.
The programme enables the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the force to deliver information and advice that is easy to understand, practical to follow and up to date to date to business and communities to encourage safety online with the support of experienced individuals in cybercrime awareness and prevention.
Find out more on Get Safe Online here.
BAWSO is a registered Charity specialising in providing practical and emotional support to black minority ethnic and migrant victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence, human trafficking, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. BAWSO believe in a future for all people in Wales to be free from abuse, violence, and exploitation.
Clwyd Alyn
Clwyd Alyn believe everyone has the right to live without fear and no one deserves to be abused. Clwyd Alyn Offer information, support and a safe place for women and children.
They’re dedicated team of professionals provide a holistic approach with services including:
- Professional short-term Counselling Service with a BACP Registered Counsellor
- Freedom Programme
- Refuge
- A Drop-in Service
- Sign post to specialist legal advisors
- Information on housing and benefits
- Crisis Intervention
- Support with effects of Domestic Abuse on Children
Find out more on Clwyd Alyn here.
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse (AAFDA)
Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse (AAFDA) is a national charity providing specialist and expert advocacy to families after fatal domestic abuse including homicide and suicides where there was a history of domestic abuse. AAFDA provide emotional, practical, expert and specialist peer support to families and professionals following fatal domestic abuse.
Their expert advocates have themselves suffered either fatal domestic abuse in their families or serious domestic abuse. They specialise in guiding and advocating in Domestic Homicide Reviews, Mental Health Reviews, Serious Case Reviews, Inquests, and other inquiries.
Contact AAFDA via or call 07768 386922
Brake The Road Safety Charity
Brake is a road safety charity working with communities and organisations across the UK to stop the tragedy of road deaths and injuries, make streets and communities safer for everyone, and support people bereaved and seriously injured on roads.