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PCC visits Llanfaes to meet winners of community fund


Llanfaes Community Centre

On May 5, North Wales Police & Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin visited Llanfaes to meet the committee that manage the community centre in the area to learn more about their work and their plans to benefit the local community.

Llanfaes Community Centre was one of the recent winners of the Your Community, Your Choice funding awards. The Your Community, Your Choice fund supports grass-roots projects and is supported by the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, North Wales Police and Community Trust (PACT) and North Wales Police.

The group behind the community centre work closely with those in the area to hear their views and concerns and organise events to foster community cohesion.

Mr Dunbobbin heard how funding will be used to repair the equipment at the park in Llanfaes, providing children with a safe space to meet and play. It was also explained how money will also be spent on improvement works in the community centre’s kitchen, providing better facility when events or parties are held.

Your Community, Your Choice is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2023 and, over the past ten years, a total of over £500,000 has been awarded to more than 150 projects working to reduce crime in their areas and to support the priorities in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. The funding for Your Community, Your Choice comes partly from money seized by the courts through the Proceeds of Crime Act, with the rest from the Police and Crime Commissioner. 

Kelly Williams, Secretary for the Park and Community Centre Committee, Llanfaes Community Centre said: “We were astonished and incredibly shocked, but so grateful to discover that we’ve been successful in our application for funding.

“This means we can now make the necessary repairs needed to the little play equipment we have, and purchase something new, whilst being able to continue making the improvements to the centre and play area.

“Ensuring the area is safe and secure and enjoyable for all. Helping to strengthen and build on our community. Whilst for us as a committee the encouragement and motivation to carry on, to continue developing the park via various funding and fundraising. We thank everyone for their support.”

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: “It was a pleasure to have attended Llanfaes to meet the team who manage the community centre in the village. I saw a real sense of community spirit and I’m pleased to see Your Community, Your Choice funding being spent on such a good cause.

“I heard from the group how they plan to breathe new life into the park in the area, giving the younger generation a better area to play in. The group’s plans match the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan in delivering safer neighbourhoods and supporting communities and that is why I’m delighted to have allocated this funding to them.”

PACT Chairman Ashley Rogers stated: “Grass roots projects are the life blood for improving communities across North Wales, making them safer and more resilient places to live. The Llanfaes Community Centre project is a great example of this in action and it’s a pleasure to be able to support them through Your Community, Your Choice.”

North Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Chris Allsop said: “Llanfaes Community Centre is an example of a great community-focussed initiative that brings residents together. The group behind the centre work tirelessly to serve both adults and young people in the local area and I’m glad we have been able to fund their future endeavours. I wish the group the very best for the future.”

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